Graphic Design of James Cole
Graphic Design of James Cole Graphic Artwork Tribal Monkey Skull Foil Fountain More to come
Read MoreApocalyptic
A collection of apocalyptic artworks by James Cole
Read MoreDigital Art of James Cole
Digital Art of James Cole Fantasy Lunar Horse Coda Touched by God Lightning Hill Woodened Fire God Mystic Duck Plasma Tree Drowning Solitude Guardian of the World of Tomorrow Faerie Lake Ascent Affliction After Tree Sprite Making A Statement Made in China Precious Guardian of the World of Tomorrow Corporate…
Read MoreLunar Horse
A majestic horse stands in a field, breeze in her mane and the great lunar moon rising behind her. Own this magical image on posters, prints or apparel.
Read MoreCoda
A girl stands alone in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, taking in the destruction around her. Deforestation and annihilation, all that remains, smouldering piles of what once was alive.
Read MoreTouched by God
A small plane against a monstrous storm. In a flash, an arc of lightning, the spark of God, reaches out to caress the wing in a jolt of electricity.
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Made in China
A world unravelling. I’ll let you decide what this image means to you. Let me know.
Read MoreLightning Hill
Lightning Hill – A vibrant surreal landscape created by James Cole.
Read MoreDew of Compassion
“The dew of compassion is a tear” by Lord Byron, visualised in this surreal artwork by James Cole.
Read MoreWoodened
A creature of the forest. Not quite a tree, not quite a human. A tree sprite. Protector of the forest. Keeper of the ancient wisdoms.
Read MoreFire God
A demon? A God? Bursting through the flames to punish you all in this menacing artwork created by James Cole.
Read MorePrecious
What is more precious than our home, our planet. The Earth is part of everything. We are all connected. We are all one. Treat mother Earth as if she was part of you, because she is.
Read MoreEnlightened
It only takes one to see different, think different, be different, to enlighten us all. Spiritual artwork by James Cole.
Read MorePlasma Tree
A magical plasma descends from the heavens and wraps it’s tentacles around the branch of this long lost tree. Fantasy artwork by James Cole.
Read MoreWorship Your Lord
Worship Your Lord in this abandoned church found while exploring the outer-urban areas of Ballarat. Photography by James Cole.
Read MoreDrowning Solitude
I tiny boat goes head to head with powerful tornados in an apocalyptic world. Artwork by James Cole.
Read MoreGod Child
What if God was just a child, learning from our experiences?
Read MoreGuardian of the World of Tomorrow
Deep in the caverns beneath space and time, exist the original being, waiting to rise once more. The guardians of the world of tomorrow
Read MoreThe Great Aussie Windmill
Every Australian photographer needs a cliche shot of an outback windmill right?
Read MoreJ.O.T.T.P.O.I.
This artwork was conceived out of a spiritual pathway and set in the heavens of space to give it a Sci-Fi feel.
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