Directors Commentary
Lost: Black Earth
Directors Commentary
You can view the movie without the commentary here
Once the movie was complete in 2004, an arduous 4 plus years since it's conception, I sat down, pressed play and recorded this commentary for the DVD release. With limited copies sold, very few people have had an opportunity to hear the stories from the set and how we made this extremely low budget and overly ambitious movie into a reality.
There are so many stories, so much that happened, so much that went wrong and so many happy accidents and coincidences, I could fill three more commentary tracks. And maybe I will for the 15th anniversary in 2019. It would certainly be interesting now that I have 20 years of industry experience and all that hindsight to draw upon.
I look forward to hearing from you, the audience. I love your questions and comments, positive and negative. Hopefully, for those interested, this will give you more insight than I could ever hope to get across in a YouTube comment reply. I even love the messages left by trolls. They certainly are a creative bunch that provide endless entertainment.
If you haven't seen the movie in its original form yet, head over here to watch it first. I hope you all enjoy this little insight into the makings of an indy Sci-Fi flick.
Thanks ?