Lunar Horse

Lunar Horse - Fantasy Artwork by James Cole

A majestic horse stands in a field, breeze in her mane and the great lunar moon rising behind her. Own this magical image on posters, prints or apparel.

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Plains of Thunder

Plains of Thunder - Storm Photography by James Cole

I made my way up the small hill, to find the full spectacle of the storm, lightning flashing all around as I stood in awe, holding on to my metal tripod.

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Highway Bokeh

Highway Bokeh - Abstract Photography by James Cole

A dark highway, late at night, rain teaming down, wipers setting their hypnotic rhythm as the lights blur and focus is lost. Highway Bokeh by James Cole.

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Monoliths of Melbourne

Monoliths of Melbourne - Moody Cityscapes Photography by James Cole

Monuments to a dying age, magnificent structures standing tall, like monoliths to remind future beings that we once existed. They felt like they had been standing there for eternity and could stand for eons more.

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Ray of Tree

Ray of Tree

A cold and foggy night, the witching hour at hand. A bold light silhouettes a dark tree, creaking in the wind. An eerie atmosphere in black and white.

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